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How to create a free blog with custom domain on Blogger

How to create a free blog with custom domain on Blogger

Hey everyone today I am gonna write about how to create free blog using blogger with a custom domain for those who don't like .blogspot.com subdomain of blogger.So friends we all visit sites ,a lot of sites everyday and sometime we also want to make our own one but we don't because we can;t invest on it.But it s 2016 now we all can make a professional looking blog without spending a single penny.This guide is for everyone who wanted to start his blogging platform.
Let's get started Step by Step -

Get your free Domain

Buying a top level domain( .com , .org , .net etc) will cost some money and in this guide we are not going to spend money so let's get started with a third level domain(.tk , .ml , .ga etc). These are free domain names we can buy from Freenom.com.

I will not suggest anyone to use free domain names but because you don't wanna spend something then this will be best way for you or you can use deault subdomain fo blogger(.blogspot.com).

How to buy doamin from freenom?

* Enter your desired domain name and click on check availability and select your free domain name and click on get it now.

* Now proceed to Checkout

* Now just select 12 month and click on continue and on very next page enter your email and verify it and then create your account.

* Now simply purchase your product and fill up the information and proceed to client area.

*Now from services menu select my domain and click on manage domain in front of your domain name
Here I have 3 domain I am selecting aditya4u.tk

* Click on manage freenom dns and Now open new tab on your Browser cause we are going to create a blogger blog.

Create your Blog

* Now open www.blogger.com and now login with your gmail and click on create a new blog.

* Now select title and a subdomain ,we willl change it but for now just select one

* Now go to settings and and then publishing and you will see a section blog address   

* Now click on setup a custom domain and enter your domain there and click on save

  Then you will see an error like this
 Don't worry this is just a setup now got to the freenom tab where you have opened manage dns section.

 Setting up the Domain

*Now click on more records for 5 times and then change the first two 'Type' to CNAME and then in first one in name tab enter the first error in your blogger account like there is it is www so I enter www in name and in Target I enter ghs.google.com 

* Like this enter second CNAME with the second line name and target Like this-
 and other Important Point 

* Now change the TTL of other 4 remaining Blanks of  type A  to 300 and then in target enter these four IP addresses 


And then everything will be like this-
 And now finally click on save changes and then wait for 5 minutes.

Again on blogger tab also click on save and this time there will be no error.

Finally you are all done to start you blogging carrer now click on new post to start writing post.
Now download some templates from internet and upload it to make your blog look professional and yes explore settings menu and set everything according to you.

Now if you have any problem you can comment below or message me through Live chat

Best Live Chat service for Blogger ,Wordpress or any other site

Best Live Chat service for Blogger ,Wordpress or any other site

Hey all Today I am gonna tell about best live chat service for blogger ,wordpress or any other site.This is my personal view I have tested the site and even using it's service so I think I need to let all my visitors to know about it.

Best live chat for blogger ,wordpress and other platforms

What is a Live Chat means? Profit?

A live chat is like a small call center for your blog  or website.It allows your visitors to directly interact with you and share their views about your blog or website.If talk about profit then you ask yourself you visit a site but struck on it as what you are finding was not there then you message the admin and tell him about that and now you know what your next post is about.Having a direct conversation with our visitors is always a great profitable deal.

So which Live chat feature is Best?

According to me Smartsupp is best because of it's affordable price and yes there is a free version also for statrters.I am using this service aand fully satisfied with it.Is has everything we need in a live chat service.It's new feature of visitors recording let you see what visitors love to do or read on your site.
It offers you full power to customize your live chat appearance.It has a lot more features.

If any question you can message me using Live Chat or Comment below.

So in last don't search all over the google when the best thing is in front of you.
Use my affiliate link to sign up for smartsupp.I know you will!

Create a Blank Name or Invincible folder on PC

Create a Blank Name or Invincible folder on PC

Create Blank name or Invinsible folder on PC

Creating a blank name folder on PC is a quite easy and fun task but many of us are still don't know about this trick. I am gonna tell you to create a folder on your PC with blank name.But this trick requires a numeric key pad on your keyboard(Right hand side one).

What is use of This Folder?

Truly if I tell there is no main use of this folder but you can use it for fun or any of your work.

How to create It?

* Create a new folder anywhere you want and click on rename it.
*Now press ALT key and press 255 or 1060 (In numeric key pad)
*That's it Now click Enter and see the Magic

You can even hide icon of Folder

If you hide name and icon both your folder will become completely invinsible so don't forget where you saved it.

* right click on the folder
* click on "properties"
* click on "customize"
* click on "change icon"
* click on a blank space

Now Start Hiding you Folders And don't forgot to Share

Cell Phones are causing damage to our brain as well as our health

Cell Phones are causing damage to our brain as well as our health

Cell Phone causing damage to our brain and health

Cell Phones are becoming a part of our life.We can't even live a day without cell phones!
The problem is that it is a good habit? Of Course not, use of smartphone more than it needed is very dangerous to our healt and as well as our brains.In future we will suffer for many diseases due to Smartphones.
Lets look at some of the problems caused by these smartphones:

Negatively Affects Emotions


The presence of a cell phone while two or more people are talking face-to-face can generate negative feelings toward the person who has his or her device visible. In two studies conducted at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, researchers studied the effects of a mobile device during a nose-to-nose conversation. In the first study, 37 pairs of strangers were asked to spend 10 minutes talking to each other about an interesting event that happened in their lives within the past month. Half of the participants were seated in a secluded area with a mobile device present on a desk nearby whereas the other half remained without a cellphone. The results of the study showed that those who had a mobile device nearby were perceived less positive by the stranger, compared to the other participants without a cell phone present.
In the second study, researchers included 34 different pairs of strangers who were asked to discuss trivial topics while others were asked to discuss significant events that occurred in their life. Half of the participants chatted with a mobile device while with the stranger and the other half had a notebook. The results of the study showed that those who spoke about significant events in their lives with a notebook present experienced a feeling of closeness and trust in the stranger, unlike those with a cell phone. "These results demonstrate that the presence of mobile phones can interfere with human relationships, an effect that is most clear when individuals are discussing personally meaningful topics," said the researchers of the study.

Increases Stress Levels

The high frequency of cell phone use can have negative effects on our stress levels. The constant ringing, vibrating alerts, and reminders can put a cell phone user on edge. In a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, researchers examined if there is a direct link between the psychosocial aspects of cell phone use and mental health symptoms in young adults. The participants of the study included 20 to 24 year olds who responded to a questionnaire, in addition to a one-year follow-up. Researchers found high mobile phone use was associated with stress and sleep disturbances for women, whereas high mobile phone use was associated with sleep disturbances and symptoms of depression in men. Overall, excessive cell phone use can be a risk factor for mental health issues in young adults.

Increases Risk Of Illnesses In Your Immune System

The incessant touching of your phone can harbor germs on your handset. The greasy, oily residue you may see on your cellphone after a day's use can contain more disease-prone germs than those found on a toilet seat. In a study conducted at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, University of London, researchers sampled 390 cell phones and hands to measure for levels of bacteria. The results of the study showed that 92 percent of the cell phones sampled had bacteria on them — 82 percent of hands had bacteria — and 16 percent of cell phones and hands had E. Coli. Fecal matter can easily be transferred by cell phones from one person to another.

Increases Risk Of Chronic Pain

Cell phones require constant use of your hands, especially when sending text messages and e-mails. Responding to messages at rapid speed can cause pain and inflammation of your joints. Back pain is also common with increased cell phone use, especially if you hold the phone between your neck and shoulders as you multitask. "Long periods of cell phone use cause you to arch your neck and hold your body in a strange posture. This can lead to back pain,".

Increases Risk Of Eye Vision Problems

Staring at your mobile device can cause problems in your vision later in life. Screens on mobile devices tend to be smaller than computer screens, which means you are more likely to squint and strain your eyes while reading messages. According to The Vision Council more than 70 percent of Americans don't know or are in denial that they are susceptible to digital eye strain.


1. Children should only use cell phones next to their heads for emergencies. Children’s skulls are thinner than adults’ and their brains are still developing. Hence, radiation from cell phones penetrates more deeply into their brains and is likely to cause more damage. Texting (while holding the phone away from their body) is still fine for kids!

2. While talking on your cell phone, try to keep the cell phone away from your body as much as possible. The amplitude of the electromagnetic field (radiation) is one fourth the strength at a distance of two inches and fifty times lower at three feet. Whenever possible, use the speaker-phone mode or a wired headset (not a Bluetooth).

3. Avoid using your cell phone when the signal is weak or when moving at high speed, such as in a car or train, as this automatically increases power to a maximum as the phone repeatedly attempts to connect to a new relay antenna.

4. Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body at all times. Do not keep it near your body at night such as under the pillow or on a bedside table, particularly if pregnant. You can also put it on “flight” or “off-line” mode, which stops electromagnetic emissions.

5. If you must carry your cell phone on you, make sure that the keypad is positioned toward your body and the back is positioned toward the outside so that the transmitted electromagnetic fields move away from you rather than through you.

6. Only use your cell phone to establish contact or for conversations lasting a few minutes, as the biological effects are directly related to the duration of exposure. For longer conversations, use a land line with a corded phone, not a cordless phone, which also uses electromagnetic emitting technology similar to that of cell phones.

7. Switch sides regularly while communicating on your cell phone to spread out your exposure. Before putting your cell phone to the ear, wait until your correspondent has picked up. This limits the power of the electromagnetic field emitted near your ear and the duration of your exposure.

8. When possible, communicate via text messaging rather than making a call, to limit the duration of exposure and the proximity to the body.

9. Avoid using your cell phone in places like a bus, where you can passively expose others to your phone’s electromagnetic fields.

10. Choose a device with the lowest SAR possible (SAR = Specific Absorption Rate, which is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field absorbed by the body)

 So try to use cell phone as less as possible and next evening go to a park without cell phone and feel the fresh air and enjoy your nature and surroundings.

Save or Download whole website for offline use

Save or Download whole website for offline use

Save website for offline reading

We all visit tons of site everyday and sometimes we find some websites are very useful to us but we can't save the whole website until we dont got this software called HTTrack.This software allows us to download whole website so we can read it any time offline.This software is available for almost all types of famous OS even for the mobile OS.So the question is how to save file using this software?

Lets started Steps to Whole Process-

*First of Download the Software from Official Website 

*Then Install and open Software and In file Option click on new Project

*Now click on next and select project name and category

*Now again click on next and select option according to your need

*Now click on next and then finish and your site will be start downloading 

*Now for opening files in file section click on Browse Site 

Great now you can read the sites whenever you want now don't forget  to save my website first and if you have any problem in any step comment below 

Best 5 sites to Download Bollywood Movies Easily

Best 5 sites to Download Bollywood Movies Easily

Best Sites For Downloading Movies

We all love watching movies cause it is a fun way of entertainment but what about that time when you search whole google wasting your time for downloading those new bollywood movies.It is frustating task so today I listed Top 5 sites from where you can download bollywood movies easily after just another day of release.So lets Started the Countdown


FilmyWap is the most popular websites for Bollywood movies. and this website you can say a very fast website where you can find movies that even release today. and here you also finds latest Hollywood movies in HD print and also Dubbed in Hindi/English Language. it also offers very good prints to download latest Hindi Bollywood movies like Mp4 36p and Mp4 720p. and i also like this site very much, even me too use this site because its absolutely free.

2)300mb Movies 4 U

300MB Movies 4U is one of the best movie downloading sites for those who have limited internet plan. At 300MB Movies 4U you can download HD quality(720p) movies by spending less data. It’s a good movie download site to download Hollywood and Bollywood movies for free.


Mp4Arena.org is one of the fastest mobile movies containing site, were you can grab latest Hindi and English mobile movies. The movies available on the site are in Mp4 format which can be easily played on mobile device with Divx Player, SmartMovie Player, Core Player and Real Player. If you don’t have these players then you can easily download them from Internet.


MoviesCrib is another good website for free movie downloads. It has some good number of Hollywood and Bollywood movies. Other than that, you can also download Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and dubbed movies for free. One of the most interesting thing about this website is its collection of evergreen Bollywood and Hollywood films. If you were looking for a good free movie download websites for evergreen film, then this one could be the final destination for you

5)My Download Tube

This is one of the top movie download sites that offers a huge collection of free movies to download. Most of the movies can be downloaded at 720p and 1080p which is great.You can download the subtitle for any movie from this website. The user interface of this movie website is simple and easy to navigate. You will see almost all the information and latest movies on its homepage.My Download Tube movie downloading website is not just limited to movie downloading. You can also watch online movies here and also you can play online games for free. No login or sign up requires.

Now Enjoy Latest Movies And also latest tricks Only on www.aditya4u.com

Create Whatsapp account with U.S number using Primo app

Create Whatsapp account with U.S number using Primo app

Hey How are you all? Today I got a new trick again on my whatsapp and i am going to share it on my blog. We  all want to use whatsapp by anonymous number for many reasons and some idiots even using it for ripping but please don't use this trick for ugly works like ripping use it to prank your friends and many other good things.

First of all I am not going to check his app due to some problems so if it is not working comment to let me know.

Primo is the app we all use to do that it is a free calling app that offers an U.S no that we are going to use for our whatsapp

Create Whatsapp account with U.S number using Primo app

Steps are Very Clear-

* Download the app from Here

*Now create account and click on top left corner and you will saw your new U.S number

* Uninstall normal Whatsapp app

*Now Install it again and when verifing enter your new U.S number 

*You will receive your verification code on app 

*Enter it and enjoy your new Whatsapp  

Wow! What a great trick now save my whatsapp contact too from This Page

Don't Forget to Share



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